Based in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire, Theresa Hersman’s abstract paintings dive into water’s life-giving serenity and landscape-altering power, and as a metaphor for the subconscious. Her painting process juxtaposes richly textured layers with mark-making and gestural brush marks. Theresa is an award-winning artist and juried member of the National Association of Women Artists, and the New Hampshire Art Association. Her paintings have been exhibited in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.



Each painting develops through extensive experimentation where it takes on a life of its own and eventually signals a stopping point. This approach gives the paintings room to breath and frees the viewer from the demands of literal interpretation. 

I find solace and inspiration in the ever-changing environment of New Hampshire’s seacoast. My work reflects this visually and constructively through layering and creative destruction. The rhythm of the seasons, like the ebb and flow of the tides, influences my palette and subject matter.

Art is subjective. I have succeeded if a viewer feels an emotion in response to my paintings.


Art is an investigation.
— Twyla Tharp